This form is for NEW applicant who is going to apply for admission to Diploma / Certificate programme only. Students who are already admitted should complete the “Application Form for Course Enrolment“.



    課程名稱 Programme Name

    B. 個人資料 PERSONAL PARTICULARS (* 必須與身份證相同 Must be the same as HKID)

    中文姓名 Name in Chinese*

    英文姓名 Name in English*

    年齡組別 Age Range*
    15 - 2021 - 3031 - 4041 - 5051 - 6061 - 6565歲以上 Over 65

    通訊地址 Correspondence Address


    請將 閣下全名、報讀課程名稱和學歷及/或就業資料掃描副本電郵至acad-adm@cita.org.hk. Please send your full name, name of programme applied for and scanned copies of your academic qualifications and/or employment documents to acad-adm@cita.org.hk by email.

    最高教育程度 Highest Education Level Achieved:

    中五 F.5中學文憑試 HKDSE中七 F.7專上教育 Post-secondary大學或以上 University or above其他(請說明)Others (please specify):

    閣下是否服裝業從業員? Are you working in fashion industry? 是 Yes否 No

    你在現任公司是什麼職位? What is your current post in your company?

    你從哪裡得悉此課程?(可選擇多於一項) Where did you get the information of this course? (You may choose more than one answer)

    訓練局網站 CITA Website社交媒體 (面書、Instagram等) Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)搜尋器 (谷歌、雅虎等) Search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)朋友或親友 Friends or relatives公司 Company其他(請說明) Others (please specify):

    D. 報名費 APPLICATION FEE: HK$100


    1. 支票或銀行本票 - 報名費可以劃線支票或銀行本票繳付,抬頭請寫「製衣業訓練局」,請於支票或本票背面註明姓名及課程名稱,並郵寄至製衣業訓練局 (地址 : 香港九龍九龍灣大業街63號)。 CHEQUE OR CASHIER’S CHEQUE - Application fee can be paid by crossed cheque or cashier’s cheque made payable to “Clothing Industry Training Authority”. Please write down the applicant name and programme name on the back of the cheque, and send the cheque to Clothing Industry Training Authority (Address: 63 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong).

    2. 繳費靈 - 費用可以透過「繳費靈」繳付。商戶號碼為9504。請選擇「1」(學費) 繳付有關費用。並將 閣下全名及課程名稱、「繳費靈」輸入之電話號碼及付款編號電郵至acad-adm@cita.org.hk。 PPS - The PPS Merchant Code No. is 9504. Please select “1″ (Tuition Fee) to settle the payment. After payment, please send your full name, programme name, phone no. and PPS payment reference no. for PPS transaction to acad-adm@cita.org.hk by email.

    3. 便利店/超市繳款 - 請於OK便利店、U購Select或VanGo便利店以現金繳付賬項。繳款時請出示以下條碼。交易完畢,請將 閣下全名、課程名稱及收據掃描副本電郵至acad-adm@cita.org.hk。 PAYMENT AT CONVENIENCE STORE/SUPERMARKET - Please make payment at any Circle K, U Select or VanGO Convenience Stores in cash by presenting the barcode below. After payment, please send your full name, programme name and scanned copy of the receipt to acad-adm@cita.org.hk by email.


    1. 申請人如未能提供足夠資料,申請表將不獲受理。 Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested.

    2. 報名費不設退款。 Application fee is non-refundable.

    3. 申請表內所提供的資料如有任何更改時,申請人須通知教學行政部。 You are required to notify Academic Administration Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided by you.

    4. 提交申請表後,申請人如欲更改或查詢個人資料,請發傳真或電郵至教學行政部 ( 傳真 : 2795 0452 電郵 : acad-adm@cita.org.hk)。 For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form, please send a fax or email to the Academic Administration Department (Fax: 2795 0452 Email: acad-adm@cita.org.hk)

    F. 其他 OTHERS

    你希望本局提供什麼課程? What type of course would you like CITA to offer?


    製衣業訓練局會使用透過本表格上所獲得的個人資料,用於行政、評估、統計分析和處理申請等事宜。 The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Authority for the purpose of administration, evaluation, statistical analysis and management of your application.

    本人不希望貴局使用本人的個人資料(包括姓名、職稱、電話號碼、地址和電郵地址),以發放關於貴局主辦/協辦/支持的教育及培訓課程、服務、比賽、問卷調查、活動事宜之用。 I do not wish the Authority to use my personal data (including name, job title, telephone number, postal address and email address) to promote education and training programmes, services, competitions, surveys or events organised / co-organised / supported by the Authority.

    以上代表 閣下目前就是否希望收到本局推廣資訊的選擇,並取代 閣下於本申請前向本局傳達的任何選擇。您可隨時電郵至 unsubscribe@cita.org.hk 取消這項接受宣傳資料服務的安排。 The above represents your present choice of whether or not to receive promotional materials from the Authority. This replaces any choice communicated by you to the Authority prior to this application. You may, at any time, choose not to receive marketing literature by emailing us at unsubscribe@cita.org.hk.


    1. 本人聲明報名表格所載資料,依本人所知均屬真確,並無錯漏。 I declare that all information provided in this application form is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete.

    2. 本人已詳細閱讀並完全明白「報名須知」所載的條文,並明白所有詳情均以製衣業訓練局網頁之最更新版本為依歸。 I have read the "Application Information" (Chinese version only)" and understand the details are subject to CITA’s revisions in the latest updates in the website.

    3. 本人已細閱明白並同意本表格的所有條款及細則。 I have noted, understood and agreed on all terms and conditions of this form.

    我同意以上聲明。 I agree with the above declaration.我不同意以上聲明。 I do not agree with the above declaration